Seven Reservoir Half Marathon (Pentland Hills)

1 December 2013

It has been over two years since I’ve run a half marathon. In 2011 I ran the Great Scottish Run in 2hrs 00.  Since then all my racing has been on trails and increasing the distance, with the maximum being 53 miles in the 2013 Highland Fling. I entered the 7R race on an impulse late one night when I was on face book, when I saw it was selling out fast within the first few hours of opening.

I had no definate views of my time for this event, I knew I was a hill run event with some climbing and a mix of trail surfaces. I also knew I was fitter and lighter since my last half marathon. On balance I was expecting to come in around the 2 hour mark.

The start of the race was about ten minutes walk from the car park, so it was a gentle warm up. Although there were plenty of runners running to the start line and others doing sprint sessions near the start line. I prefer to keep my energy. The start line had 98 runners and after a quick overview by the race director we were all off flying down the slope.

Near the start I met Findlay who was friends with my friend Shona. I met Shona on the Devil o’ the Highlands Ultra in August. Shona past me in that race just above Kinlochleven. I was struggling at that point and drafted behind her small frame for about a mile to get out of the worst of the wind. We then proceeded to keep pace and chat with each other for the rest of the race and finished together. Shona couldn’t make the 7R race, but Findlay and I chatted away for the first half of the race.

The weather for the race was beautiful and sunny, which showed off the reservoirs in the Pentlands to their best. The route was a good mix of road, trail and mud. Last year the route was very icy. I enjoyed one of the longer descents where I made time on a few people, by just engaging my core and letting my legs go. I was prepared to bonk at the bottom of the hill but m legs kept pushing.

I finished the last mile or two with another runner. He was much faster than me normally, but today was not his day. I managed a sprint at the end and finished in 1 hr 47:47 in 30 place.

We were ushered to the back of a bothy, wher the race organisers had laid on a fantastic spread of cakes. Thy had fresh coffee in cafatieres. There was soup boiling on a fire. I met up with Findlay again as we tucked in home baked cakes in the warm December sunshine. Fin said how much he enjoyed these small intimate races, rather than the big prices of the commercial races. I can’t agree more, especially getting a PB on a hilly route. I reckon it was the smell of the coffee and cakes.

Suunto Ambit log on MovesCount



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